Monday, November 19, 2012

I'm gonna be an Aunt!

My brother and sis-in-law are bringing a new addition into the family come March/April and I for one cannot wait to hold the little one! They hosted a little gathering the weekend before last to let everyone know whether to expect a little boy or a little girl! 

We were told to wear the color that we thought the little one would be...I couldn't decide until last minute and went with the blue bow tie. I figured if it was a boy, then I got the satisfaction of being right and if it was a girl, then I got the satisfaction of buying sequins, ruffles, and adorable clothes...either way it was a win :) lol

So...we bit into a cupcake and the filling was either blue to pink...telling us what to expect...and guess what?...

I cannot wait to go shopping for her and deck her out in adorability! I think I just made up that word haha. Here are a few of the things I found on the Target website while browsing...

I just couldn't stop myself...they are all so girly!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

It all fits...this might be fate

I've come to terms that I was born in the wrong time period...

Either that, or I have to just shop constantly at the thrift store. Everything fits, it's constantly and marvelous surprise! I bought these shoes the other week thinking they'd be two sizes too small, but I'd resell them because they were marvelous and in great condition. Got them home and tried them on for some reason, just out of curiosity...and THEY FIT! My guy didn't really like them, but oh well, he's not a big vintage fan I don't think...but hey, we gotta have different interests, right? 

Btw, the shoes are not in the shop, at this time...they are too great to use in pictures. But, this dress is in the shop just waiting to be worn! 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Colors...and other things.

I should totally be studying for my fundamentals test Thursday...especially after getting that patho test grade back! But I have other things I'd rather think about. Becoming a nursing school drop out shouldn't be in my brain, therefore after this post, I WILL STUDY! But until then, 

colors is on the brain.

and these shoes, which I absolutely love! I don't know if I've shared this, but I def got these for $4 from JCPenney several months ago. FYI :)

I kinda miss Spring, with all the bright colors, just in case you couldn't tell by the outfit above...but it is now time for Fall colors to make their appearance. Maybe we can liven them up a little. Add a little glitz and glamour...maybe a little leather ;)

That would require some shopping on my part. At least for the leather accessories. Maybe some leather pants/leggings! Ugh, I need money and time! Until that day, I can make wish lists and online shopping carts that I can't afford. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

A little RED, no ORANGE.

I have completely lost touch with UGA football. Partly because I don't want to pay for'll be just another distraction from studying. So in a way, I'm being smart...I know myself and Netflix is plenty enough of a distraction.

But, I figured why not do an outfit post to celebrate UGA winning against Tennessee...aka my favorite vintage red dress that just so happens to be in the shop!

Btw, these are my new favorite shoes...Of course they make me a little to tall to be around normal people so they are becoming strictly shop shoes. That and I almost broke my ankle/face in the gravel driveway the other week in them. Left a nice little bruise on my foot...Strictly shop shoes. They match pretty much EVERYTHING!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Little Black Dress, for Fall.

So I have officially decided on where to take this blog. It's going to be strictly vintage outfit posts and some life things along the way. I kept trying to think what to write about or what you guys would like, but ultimately it came down to what I had time for and what I enjoyed talking about. So, if you 'd rather not see me in vintage outfits and hear about my adventures in checking off things on my 101 in 1001 days list then I won't be offended if you unfollow the blog :) but I hope you won't. 

School has officially started and I am officially a big fan of naps. I also love having a place all to myself, no offense mom! I just like being in my own space and I'm sure my mom enjoys having all of her space back as well ;) 

So on to my post for today...

I have a shopping angel that thrifts with me apparently...I just grab what entrances me and bring it home, wash it, or my mom 'dry cleans' and repairs it, and it all magically fits me. Some things may be a little tight or a bit big, but I make it work for the pictures for the shop...which is great! because I don't want to pay a model lol and I don't want to bug my friends to be models for me...but I know the type of picture I want and it isn't quite there yet, but maybe one day.

Little Black them, especially this stretchy/flowy one, soon to be in the shop once I decide on whether to keep it or not lol!

Btw, loving these shoes too! I know I'm already tall (5'10"), but sometimes a girl just has to have her heels...and what better place than for shop pics! They match pretty much anything solid so you'll probably be seeing them a lot.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

All moved in.

It's official! I have official moved into my new place.
I have to admit, it feels a little strange at times. 
I'm still unpacking boxes and adding my personal touches here and there...once I get a little further along I'll do a post with before and after pictures :)

One of the best things about the new digs is the whole bedroom dedicated just to shop stuff!
I'm kinda loving all the space, but I seriously didn't think I had so much stuff until moving day. It's crazy how much you can accumulate :/

And I wouldn't be me without some silly story to go along with the new place.
I don't have any silverware. So yesterday, while grocery shopping I found the plastic ware and the decorative plastic ware. A little ways down the aisle, I saw a whole set of silverware...or what I thought to be silverware. It wasn't until I got home that I read the fine print and this too ended up being plastic ware with a silver tint to it...Hence, I still need to buy silverware lol

On my first night, I didn't have any plasticware so I had to work with what I had...which just so happen to be a really big lime green spoon, to eat soup :)

Maybe I'll find some wares at the thrift store during my next haul...

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Happy Birthday Cynthia Rowley!

I don't particularly have any favorite designers, but I do like a lot of Cynthia Rowley's designs...a few of the items below would love to be in my closet ;) Today, is her special day, so I just thought I'd send her a happy birthday message, not that she reads my blog or anything lol.

Btw, I've been horrible at posting lately, I'm in the process of moving in two weeks and getting everything ready and organized all while trying not to freak out about decor, school, and life, etc, etc, etc.

Happy Birthday Cynthia Rowley!

Monday, July 23, 2012

15. of 101 in 1001

Guess who got to ride a motorcycle!!....

That'd be Moi!

My old gang from Athens had a reunion of sorts at the old house Saturday...which btw, was a lot of fun. Got to 'run into' bunches of people and friends that I haven't seen in a year or two. One of which, was my friend Seth, who has a Harley.

It was gorgeous, as you can see. He took me for a ride...which was soooo fun!

I don't want one of my own, don't worry parents, bc then I'd have to take care of it and learn all that goes with that. When I had a moped for college, that plan didn't work out well AT ALL. Something would go wrong and I'd have no idea how to fix it and no inkling to want to learn. I'm just as happy holding on for dear life and letting someone else steer the way. Which is very strange because I'm a bit of a control freak. It must have been just because it was all last minute and I wasn't even thinking. 

I should not think more often.

BTW, thanks Seth, and I totally stole this pic from your fb! "that's not creepy is it?" ;)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Orange Beach, AL

Got another state crossed off the list last week. I'd been before, but I figured I'd start the list over unless I could make some sort of collage from the make it count officially.

My family and I traveled down to Orange Beach...the wonderful state of AlaBamA. 
We ventured onto the beach once, but were staying at a resort with a lazy river and multiple pools. Hence, we stuck around the resort and laid by the pools.

Let's just say I accumulated a pretty nice tan ;)

Here are some highlights from the trip...

Had a relaxing time with family and a wonderful 4th of July in AL. Hope you get a little vacay this summer too!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Went to the Doc today and once again was complimented that I look like Anne Hathaway. I was looking rough, so I was very pleased to hear that. I tend to get it a lot...most people just say 'that girl from the Princess Diaries'. I can see it a little, but I think my cosign looks more like her than I do. Anyhow, I figured I'd channel her upcoming movie and find some cat-like items I want in my closet...

Anne Hathaway