Tuesday, August 14, 2012

All moved in.

It's official! I have official moved into my new place.
I have to admit, it feels a little strange at times. 
I'm still unpacking boxes and adding my personal touches here and there...once I get a little further along I'll do a post with before and after pictures :)

One of the best things about the new digs is the whole bedroom dedicated just to shop stuff!
I'm kinda loving all the space, but I seriously didn't think I had so much stuff until moving day. It's crazy how much you can accumulate :/

And I wouldn't be me without some silly story to go along with the new place.
I don't have any silverware. So yesterday, while grocery shopping I found the plastic ware and the decorative plastic ware. A little ways down the aisle, I saw a whole set of silverware...or what I thought to be silverware. It wasn't until I got home that I read the fine print and this too ended up being plastic ware with a silver tint to it...Hence, I still need to buy silverware lol

On my first night, I didn't have any plasticware so I had to work with what I had...which just so happen to be a really big lime green spoon, to eat soup :)

Maybe I'll find some wares at the thrift store during my next haul...

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