101 in 1001 days

101 in 1001 days.

I saw a list of 101 in 1001 days over at Design Darling and it inspired me to make a list of my own. I kind of already had one in progress; there was just no limit on it. So, to write it out is a bit of a challenge, but here we go. I'll keep it updated as it goes along. Btw, it just so happens that 1001 days from today is my 28th BIRTHDAY! 

1.Visit 28 of the 50 states. (23/28) SC.AL.FL.GA.TN.NC.WV.VA.MS.TX.NV.WA.NJ.MA.LA.MD.PA.NY.IL.NE.IA.AZ.CO.

2.Relaunch my blog with a custom design. (I even changed the name.)
3. Have my own place. August 2012
4.Make 5 new friends! (A new job will do that!!)
5.Go to or host a murder mystery dinner party.
6. Graduate nursing school. December 2013
7.Pass the NCLEX. February 2014
8.Take myself on a date once a month.
9.Host a game night.
10.Develop an exercise regimen.
11.Go skinny-dipping. Summer 2013
12.Travel overseas.
13.Visit atleast 5 churches in Athens and find one to call home. (1. Athens Church)
14.Purchase and learn photo-editing software.
15.Ride a motorcycle. July 2012
16.Find a place to volunteer. (Learning Ally)
17.Make a map out of a shower curtain Map and pin places RvV products go. October 2013
18.Purchase a set of quality luggage.
19.Have $1000 in sales from Rearview Vintage ($1123.86/$1000)
20.Make doctor appointments and stick with them in 2014 (dentist, chiropractor, general practitioner, GYN, optometrist)
21.Go to a county fair.
22.Mail at least 2 occasion cards a month (0/24)
23.Establish a blogging calendar and schedule
24.Organize my iTunes.
25.Give or mail 20 ‘just bc’ gifts (6/20)
26.Watch Mad Men from beginning to now.
27.Get the newest iPhone.
28.Join or start a book club.
29.Attend a charity event.
30.Read 25 books. (17/25)
31.Set up my finances.
32.Invest in business cards.
33.Make 10 recipes from a cookbook. (2/10)
34.Send flowers to someone least expecting them. February 2014
35.For one month, buy nothing new. (except groceries and bills)
36.Go on vacation with friends. (May 2014)
37.Have a $100 shopping spree at Sephora/ULTA.
38.Ride a horse on the beach.
39.Make my own sangria.
40.Run a 5K.
41.Renew my passport.
42.Organize the second bedroom/office.
43.Try 15 new restaurants. (4/15)
44.Have a Spa Day.
45.Go to the ballet.
46.Pay for someone’s meal behind me in the drive thru.
47.Go one month without eating out of any sort.
48.Find a travel book and use it to plan!
49.Get through first semester of nursing school. December 2012
50.Get through second semester of nursing school. May 2013
51.Get through third semester of nursing school. August 2013
52.Take a photo or write a quote everyday for one year and make a book.
53.Update car or get a new car.
54.Write 100 thank-you’s.
55.Sponsor 5 other blogs.
56.See a shooting star. (At Jess and Andy’s Wedding After Party in the wee-hours with Cory)
57.Write a letter to myself to be opened on my 30th birthday.
58.Plan an amazing birthday/Christmas gift for someone.
59.Finish my gallery wall.
60.Redecorate my bedroom. (new bedding)
61.Do the ATL bucket list.
62.Drink no carbonated beverages for one month.
63.Buy girly clothes for my niece!
64.Save $10 for every item completed on this list.
65.Get waxed.
66.Make a donation of some kind to a charity 12 times in one year. (0/12)
67.Have a girl’s weekend! February 2014
68.Send out an end of year newsletter.
69.Try acupuncture. Summer 2013
70.Discover and invest in a good makeup routine. (Became a MARY KAY Consultant) January 2013
71.Take a trapeze class.
72.Go camping.
73.Take a painting class.
74.Organize and do a scavenger hunt with friends.
75.Go to a pottery class.
76.Buy myself a gorgeous piece of jewelry. (Graduation Ring) December 2013
77.Organize closet.
78.Rock a vintage swimsuit at the beach/pool. July 2012
79.Go to a comedy club.
80.Pay off a good chunk of student loans.
81.Have boudoir photos taken. January 2013
82.Write a short novel.
83.Organize all my photos.
84.See an opera.
85.Visit a vineyard.
86.Do 5 pinterest projects. (5/5)
87.Use no phone, laptop, or ipad for 24 hours.
88.Buy a nice camera for myself and give mom hers back.
89.Complete 90 miles in 90 days challenge.
90.Dance spontaneously with someone. (In the living room by the fireplace with Seth) November 2013
91.Learn to drive a stick shift.
92.Read the Holy Bible.
93.Go on vacation or travel somewhere alone.
94.Learn what my favorite flower is.
95.See a Cirque du Soleil show or Similar. (May 2014 in Vegas!)
96.Pick fresh fruit from a farm.
97.Go to a drive in movie.
98.Go without cable for an entire year. Aug 2012-Aug 2013
99.Play with an exotic animal. (Bailey the snake became a bracelet for 7 hours) 2013
100.Come up with 101 things.

101.Have a celebration for completing this list and my 28th birthday!

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