Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Nautical Green

Shoes: Spiegel, Skirt: ETSY Shop, Tee: Walmart, Necklace: Vintage

Feeling nautical today. It's most likely because I'm supposed to be going to the beach next week for a few days with some friends from college...we're still working out the details and timing but I'll get to spend time with my person. If you watch Grey's Anatomy, you know what a 'person' is. And Jessica, my old roommate, has been my person since we moved in together 5 years ago. The first two weeks we just played house, made paintings for our living room, and watched way too many burned dvd's due to a lack of cable being set up. Anyway...I get to see her for 3 days straight, if it all works out, and I am super excited!!

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