Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Chris and Rebekah, sittin' in a tree...

hope you have a Happy Anniversary!! (it rhymes)

The traditional gift for a 3rd year anniversary is leather, so I picked out a few items one could get their significant other, mostly travel themed. (Excited about the beach in a week or two with the family, yay!)

3rd Anniversary - Leather!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Drew 'Royalty' Holland
July 20, 1987-June 26, 2009

I miss your face.
I miss your voice.
I miss your laugh.
I miss your nicknames and your smile.
I miss your love of Mariah Carey and Britney Spears.
I miss your hugs.
I miss your smart ass comments.
I miss your random phone calls and meals at Chef Wang.

I miss you.
Just you.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Music Monday

Just another manic music Monday.

This song is so relaxing and loving and it just makes me smile. 
Thought you could use a smile today too.

I first heard it on my Pandora station randomly one day.
This more acoustic version is more my style.

Btw, the artist, Ron Pope...

was raised in Marietta, GEORGIA!
and he's 28, 
and get this...
he played college baseball at Rutgers for a couple years...
that's my kinda guy!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Extreme Couponer at Heart

Some of you may know, I am a couponer and have been for almost a year. However, I don't go along with a lot of the conceptions about couponers, extreme or otherwise. 

  • I'm not a shelf clearer unless it is the very last product.
  • I rarely shop for myself. 
  • I am able to shop without coupons, but it isn't as fun ;)
  • Everything I buy is donated to a charity/non-profit of some sort.
  • All or the majority of my coupons are donated to me from church at St. Paul United Methodist.
  • I shop all over, but mostly Publix, CVS, and Rite Aid.
The picture above is the last haul that I just finished with last week. 

I donated the items to two different places this time. 

First was to Smart Lunches
2 Peter Pan Peanut Butters
2 Fruit by the Foot
2 Ziploc Bags
4Deer Park Waters

Second was to the Gainesville Food Pantry that my church helps with
4 Wise Chips
3 Betty Crocker Corn Muffin Mix
3 Barilla Pasta
8 Kraft Mac n'Cheese
3 Hamburger Helper
2 Maruchan Meals
8 Nice Gelatin
5 Del Monte Green Beans
3 2L Sun Drop Soda
1 Lysol All Purpose Cleaner
6 Suave Shampoos and Conditioners
1 Baby Body Wash
10 Toothpaste
1 Oral B Floss
5 Feminine Hygiene
2 Ban Deodorant
1 Dawn Dish Soap
4 Hand Soap
2 One Touch Glucose Monitor
1 Brainstrong Vitamin
1 Lansaprozole Medication
2 Johnson and Johnson Gauze

Total Retail for all of the items would be: $222.49
I spent $68.13 using coupons

Thanks to all those who donate coupons to me or give money to help buy the items! 
You guys are great!!

Also, thanks Krazy Coupon Lady and Southern Savers for all the helpful tips and shopping deals!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

My Lyst.

I've recently come across this site called Lyst and of coursed joined, because it is all about shopping!

You can make collections of different items that you want in your own closet...and you can search within a price range, which for me is good. I like to keep it realistic and not add things that I could never afford or would never actually spend that amount on.
Anyhow, here are a couple of favorites from my lysts.

And btw, I'd wear all this in an outfit...I love mixing coral, mint, and navy.


If you're craving any of these items, like I am, just click on the one you like and it'll take you to LYST. From LYST, you can go to the site and purchase if you'd like! :)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Craving Hanna's Closet

Idk if any of you are fans of Pretty Little Liars...but I AM. From day one, I've been guessing at who 'A' is. It's enticing and at one point I even started reading the books. However, I only got to book 4 and then moved on to the TRUE BLOOD series :)

Anyhow, this season, I am loving Hanna's style (and her hair). I think they upgraded their stylist. 

The other night she was wearing this top...

and I actually loved the entire outfit, down to the earrings...which I'll DIY later on.

But, I didn't have anything like the top, so of course, I had to make it...
and I'm not too good at the whole STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING AND TAKE A I got almost to the end and was like, "whoops, I forgot to photograph it." 

the dress form I made here came in handy. I didn't get stuck with pins so often :)

(the last pic, when I realized 'whoops!')

The end product, not too shabby, if I do say so myself...

now to make the earrings!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Carolina Girl

#1 and #36 done! on 101 in 1001 days.

For some reason, I've always loved South Carolina. Maybe, because I was born there...and pretty much my entire family was born up north. So, in a way, I get to be different. 

So a few things I love about the state.

1. The palmetto design that screams Carolina on every car that is in the state. 

2. The location. Not too south, but not too north, and 1/3 of the coast in BEACH!

3. Memories...most recently, just last week! I didn't break out my camera, so the phone pics will just have to do.

Crazy rain on the ride up :/

Warm, relaxing water of the Atlantic Ocean

Sunburn from 2 hours at the beach! I only got two hours of no rain before I had to leave so I figured I'd go without Sunscreen to get a little color...bad plan...

My serpentine belt on my car broke, and thankfully my friends Kyle and Toler are mechanic savvy enough to fix it so I could make it home before the next day. Nothing like a little grease to liven up the manicure.

Beautiful sunset on the drive back home. 

Had fun with the group from college and so glad we got to catch up in the great state of South Carolina! 

The beach, the waves, the relaxation, the trip overall, it got me thinking about life and a bunch of other things, but that'll be for another day.

Happy Monday everyone!!

Thursday, June 7, 2012


I had the television on in the background yesterday while I was doing some measurements and pics for the shop and I heard this song. I instantly stopped what I was doing and wanted to hear more. Unfortunately, it was a commercial for Bing, so it was only a snippet of the song. But, it tracked it down and figured out who sang it and what it was called. Figured I'd share with you all. 

I just love this song. I'll have to research them more and listen to all their other songs. But, I have a feeling I'll like those too. 

Btw, they are called the Lumineers and the song is titled "Ho Hey"

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Nautical Green

Shoes: Spiegel, Skirt: ETSY Shop, Tee: Walmart, Necklace: Vintage

Feeling nautical today. It's most likely because I'm supposed to be going to the beach next week for a few days with some friends from college...we're still working out the details and timing but I'll get to spend time with my person. If you watch Grey's Anatomy, you know what a 'person' is. And Jessica, my old roommate, has been my person since we moved in together 5 years ago. The first two weeks we just played house, made paintings for our living room, and watched way too many burned dvd's due to a lack of cable being set up. Anyway...I get to see her for 3 days straight, if it all works out, and I am super excited!!