Friday, April 27, 2012

Anything but study.

I only have one more final and it just so happens to be in Chemistry. ew. My brain is over school. It's over Chemistry, so I have been doing anything and everything but studying. 

I figure if I don't know it by now, I'm not going to learn it. Great thinking, right?

Therefore, I've started new projects and they make me smile so I thought I'd share them with you!

It is kinda hard to take pictures of vintage clothing when you have to be the model and the photographer. And, I don't want to keep bugging people aka, my Mom, to take pictures for me. So, I decided to make my own dress form to be the model. I don't have the $350.00 and upwards to buy the one I want for the shop so I figured I'd spend $6 on duct tape and coerce my mom into wrapping me up in it. The effect was this after stuffing it and covering the holes with cardboard.

It didn't really work all too great for pictures. The duct tape flashes and etc. So I decided to take a gold sheet and sew a cover for it. In the end, this is how it turned out. 

I've got to do something the the bottom, but when clothes and dresses are on it, you can't see it so it's not an issue right now haha. After I got the form all worked out I decided the wall wasn't working. The lighting was different in like every picture it looked like the wall was different colors. So I took a white curtain and hung it on a rod behind the dress form. 

We'll see if it helps for the shop!

What do you think? Does it look somewhat like this?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

grad school?

Guess who got into Grad School!!...

that'd be me. YAY!

So my first 4 years of college, sitting in class, wasn't a complete waste of time ;)

I will be officially attending Georgia Health and Sciences University, aka Medical College of Georgia, come August for 16 months to earn a Master's of Science in Nursing with a Clinical Nurse Leader specialty. Hopefully the program will be all it's cracked up to be. 

I haven't decided about whether I will be moving back to Athens just yet, so for now I'm just pumped about Nursing School.

...If only I could just live off selling vintage clothes for the rest of my adulthood. However, I am a bit spoiled and know that nursing would allow me a little more freedom to shop, travel, have lots and lots of babies, etc... I can always do the vintage stuff on the side for fun. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Stripes, and Maroon 5, w/o the 5.

I just have to say, I love Adam Levine from Maroon 5. I've been watching the Voice and I kinda fell in love with him during the first season, but he just makes me smile! and so does this dress with boots!

Vintage Dress, Jessica Simpson Boots, and Necklace c/o G-ma!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day 30, Style 20! Just add a couple curls.

My 20 hairstyles in 30 days is officially complete!

Here is the last style I have, thanks for paying attention everyone. And now I get to blog about other stuff besides hair...uh oh...what to talk about...I'm sure I can think of plenty of things haha!

Oh, and to announce the GIVEAWAY winner!! Thanks for following my blog ya'll! I officially have 9 followers, most by email, which is kinda exciting if you ask me! 

I put all the names into a bowl and picked out one!
I kinda felt like Ellie from Hunger Games!
"May the odds be ever in your favor..."
Congratulations Elle N.!!!
I'll email you or fb you about where to send your loot!

Hope everyone is enjoying the rain...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Style 19. Braid on Braid Pigtails.

I usually NEVER wear pigtails. For some reason, it's just not my thing. They make me feel like a 2-year old...but I never even wore them as a 2-year old. BUT, I wanted to do something different, so I went for it and gussied it up a bit by doing braided pigtails with an inner braid in them. 

I have my Chem Lab final tonight! ewww. just saying. Wish me luck!!

Giveaway is over tomorrow, hit 'follow my blog' up at the top left to enter!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Style 18. Pinned French Braid.

When I started out with this style, I didn't really know where I was going with it, but here's how it turned out.

2 Days left to enter the GIVEAWAY!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Style 17. Twisted Tiara.

This one is super similar to yesterday's style, but I like it. It's a little different and not just your typical 'pin back the bangs' look.

3 more styles to go to 20!! 
Enter the giveaway if you haven't already!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Style 16. Braided Tiara.

I wanted something a little simple today, so here's what I got...

Here's the pic I was telling you about in the video.

Too bad I didn't have the pompom flowers to add to mine!! Here are the links for this pic and products if you're interested.

Almost completed the 20 styles!! Don't forget to enter the GIVEAWAY before the 20 styles are done!

And a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my little brother, who isn't so little anymore! He turned 18 today, imagine how old his parents feel ;)  Congrats Dad and Joy on your little one becoming an adult! xoxo

Friday, April 13, 2012

Style 15. Sock Bun w/o the Sock.

This one was a little rough, but it was a first try and it's not gonna be perfect so oh well.

The youtube channel that I got this idea from is Letsmakeitup1. You should check it out if you're all in to hair stuff! She def does it better!

Don't forget about the GIVEAWAY!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Style 14, same as 13, but different.

Haha, so today I did the same exact thing as yesterday, but instead of doing a ponytail at the back, I put it into a bun and pinned it in. It counts as a different style! :)

It's basically all the same steps, until the end when you pin it all into a bun. So if you want a how-to, click here for yesterday's video. 

Here are some pics!

It looks somewhat like a side braid, but it's just a twist. 

It reminds me of old victorian hairstyles...if only I was born earlier!

Giveaway almost done! Follow and comment to enter!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Style 13. Twists and Turns.

Here is a really quick and pretty easy style. All you need are three hair ties and maybe a couple bobby pins. 

Figured I'd start back up with the videos...they're easier to follow. :/

Rockin' the Gainesville Tee today, btw! haha!

Don't forget to enter the giveaway! Just follow and leave a comment! 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I want to share a site with you guys that I kinda love. It's a survey site, technically. It's called e-Rewards, and here's how it works:

You sign up for the site.
They email you with surveys, and you can choose how many you'd like to get a week...and you don't HAVE to take every one. Some, I just delete if I don't have the time. 
Then, you get $ added to your e-Rewards account, after every survey you take.
CASH in your $ for gift cards or Magazine Subscriptions. 

I've been collecting gift cards to EXPRESS with my acct $...
Hence the shopping trip below. 

Loved this dress, but ended up not buying it. 

I did buy this outfit mom didn't like it paired together, but I did, what do you think?

The tee kinda dresses down the skirt, and I love the pop of Hot PINK!

I liked this dress too, but they didn't have my size.

I ended up getting a purplish tank and that gray/black top from the ColorBlock post.

Overall, it would have cost me $197.72, but with the constant sales at EXPRESS, it cost $72.41.

Then I had 2 $25.00 gift cards from in the end I paid $22.41 for everything. That's a pretty sweet deal if you ask me!

ENTER the GIVEAWAY! Just follow my blog and leave a comment!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Style 12. More braids...I can't help myself!

I am becoming a little obsessed with braids, I just can't help it!!

Style 12. More braids!

This one is simple though, just two braids on the top of your head and pull them back into your ponytail or just let them sit above, it's up to you! And I straightened my hair first too, just to add more finesse.

You'll have to excuse the no-makeup...sorry!

Enter the GIVEAWAY! Just follow my blog and leave a comment!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Style 11. CrImPeD.

Happy Easter everyone!!

So with yesterday's style...if you let it sit for a bit (that rhymes ;)) or put a flatiron over each braid...OR even sleep in the style you can then have Style 11....CrImPeD hair.

I used to love crimping my hair when I was younger. I even had a special straightener that let you switch the hot plates and I had a zig zagged plate just for crimping.

ANYWAYs, here's the crimped style that I came out with from the braids

You might not be able to see it that good, but there is definite crimpage :)

I should work on my pictures, I will def start that when school is less stressful. 
Hope your wknd is ending marvelously!

Enter the GIVEAWAY! Just follow my blog and leave a comment!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Style 10. Braids, Braids, Braids.

Braids are like the "thing" these days...they are everywhere, including my head! :)

It started out like this. Typical poofy and randomly kinked hair.

I put small to medium size braids all over my head.

And secured each with fun, bright elastics.
Then I took one braid at a time and pinned it to the back with bobby pins.

It actually turned out pretty good, for never having done it before. I felt kinda like a modern-day Princess Laia.

Hope you all are having a wonderful Easter Weekend!! 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Leather and a hint of CoLoRbLoCk.

Express Top, Vintage Skirt, Charlotte Russe Heels, Vintage Jewelry.

I am soo glad today is Thursday!! No more class for the week and Friday is tomorrow!! Love it! However, I am extremely stressed about some decisions coming up soon. And if you don't know me all too well, I HATE making decisions!! I am an over-analyzer and a dreamer and when you put those two things makes decision making anything but a strong suit. But anyways, for the here and now...enjoy your Friday! 

And enter my giveaway!! I am loving blogging and would love to have more followers! I love the 8 that I have, don't get me wrong! I just want to add more to the family ;)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Pink Animal Print!

Forever 21 Necklace, Vintage Dress, Jessica Simpson Boots.

It is a gorgeous day outside!!...and I am stuck inside writing a lab report for Microbiology that is due tomorrow...ugh! I guess this is what I get for being such a procrastinator. :/

Don't forget to enter the GIVEAWAY! All you have to do is follow my blog and leave a comment! What better way to get free hair accessories!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

GIVEAWAY! and Style 9.

Today I'm doing my first official giveaway! Hopefully, it goes well...

I wanted to do something that related to my "20 styles in 30 days" theme. 

So here it is!

All you have to do to enter is 
1. become a follower of my blog
2. leave a comment below

This Conair tool is great!! It can straighten your hair or with a flick of the wrist, you can get a beachy wave! Perfect for summer! And if comes with a zebra print travel case!! Also, I'm including 10 elastic headbands in great summer colors. 

It was all inspired by this -do below. 

Once the 20 styles are over, the winner will be chosen at random. Make sure you include your email in your comment so I can get in touch with you if you've won!

Monday, April 2, 2012

APRIL Wish List!

So, the past week or so, I've been extremely antsy. I feel claustrophobic and stagnant in life and I just need to escape...maybe it'll pass or maybe I'll randomly end up at a beach this weekend. We shall see...I think it's just natural for every 25 year old to feel lost and stagnant, but I don't really like the feeling...but in feeling lost and claustrophobic, I went on an imaginary shopping spree online to calm my anxiety of life. Here's what I came up with.

A few items I really want to buy this month!

I'll let you know if I break down and purchase any of 'em!

Don't forget to enter the GIVEAWAY!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Style 8. Back Clip.

I have this big clip that is just simple and you can get it at any beauty store. And they come in all different colors!

I just threw all my hair into the clip, then curled the ends, so get a more 'refined' look.

It's a great, easy look for summer, to get all your hair up and out of your face.

I got my first giveaway all organized and ready and I'll be posting it sometime this week!!