Monday, March 12, 2012

Crayon Art.

One of my best friends recently turned the big 2-5! She's had a big year, getting her own place with her guy, having a baby! My beautiful godson! She is happy and in love and I wanted to make her something special that showed that.

I am a little hooked on Pinterest, and came across these melted crayon 'paintings'. I decided to make one for her and they are pretty easy. Here are the steps I took, but if you have more questions, feel free to ask. 

Hot glue the crayons, wrapper and all to a canvas of your choice. Then mark out a silhouette free hand or by stencil, whichever works well for you. 

Then paint in the silhouette black.

Let it dry. An hour or two later, place painter's tape over the silhouette. 

Prop up the canvas on a wall. Make sure you have newspaper or something underneath and along the sides of the wall. I forgot about the sides, and ended up carving crayon wax off the wall. NOT FUN! Once the papers are down, take a hairdryer and hold along the middle of the crayon. By doing it along the middle, you avoid blowing the wax right underneath the crayons at the top and allow it to travel down the canvas. 

Blow dry the crayons for as long as you like. But, be aware, if the crayons melt too much they will break in half and fall out of the wrapper, down the canvas. lol. Hence that brown blob behind the painter's tape. :) But it all turned out fine. I just carved that little bit out, like I did the wall. haha. 

Once you've finished blow drying the crayons, remove the painter's tape and you're done!

Here is what mine ended up looking like!

Happy Birthday Alston!!

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