Friday, February 22, 2013

February Red.

For some reason, every single time I think of February, I think of the colors Red and Pink. It might be the whole Valentine's Day thing, or my Birthday month, maybe just because it's the month of L-O-V-E. (Background: oohs and ahhs). But seriously, this dress to me, says LOVE. 

The bright Lipstick Red, the Lace, the Peplum's just all LOVE for me! 

P.S. I can only imagine how entertaining it would have been to watch me get this dress on. It fits me like a glove and it has a zipper up the back on the inner dress, but then the outer lace, has fabric buttons and loops...imagine one person trying to button loop buttons all the way up your own back without the benefit of stretch arms...ahh, the little things in life that make me laugh. I was seriously laughing at myself trying to put this on! But I did it! And then I didn't want to take it off bc I was in love...and because it was gonna be difficult, but actually it ended up not being that hard. 

xoxo, Kate

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Launch Party a Success!

My MK team leader, Laurin, came over last weekend and gave two of my old roomies and I a few makeup tips and tricks. Honestly, makeup is not really my thing...but I'm learning!

I got to spend the afternoon with three of my favorite people and had so much fun!

Here's a little before and after pic of just MK foundation...then full on MK makeup!

Couple tricks I learned:

1. An eyebrow pencil is the key to highlighting your eyes!
2. Eye Primer is AHHHMAZING! It keep the eyeshadow from clumping at the crease and it also keeps the eyeshadow's sparkle...and you know girls love to sparkle.
3. Do 2-3 applications of mascara within 1-2 really does make a difference!

My person, (aka Christina and Meredith 'my person'), Jess, is going to be my first hostess in a couple weeks for my first skincare PARTY! I am super excited, but so so nervous. Anyhow, it'll be fun no matter what! Hopefully, it will be a success! Wish me luck!!

xoxo, Kate

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Mary Kay Lip Promotion!

The links in the pic might not work, so

Share this promotion with any and everyone you know!!! The more the merrier!
Thanks for all your support on my new Mary Kay Adventure 
and I look forward to hearing from you!

xoxo, Kate

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

26 on 2-6-2013

Creepy Numerological Birthday is officially almost over. 
However, I did get a little curious about the number 26...
Did you know...

- No team in the NBA or NFL has retired the number 26
- Number of letters in the alphabet, duh.
- Number of bones in the human foot and ankle...nursing brain.
- In 26 B.C., Cleopatra Selene got married, so Augustus Caesar made her queen of Mauretania as a wedding present...if you need ideas for a birthday gift...hint hint. 

Feb 6 is Ronald Raegan's birthday as well, my fave President.
It's also Bob Marley's birthday...the man has some mighty fine quotes about life and love and self value.

On a more Charitable Awareness note, February 6 is also the United Nation's International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation.


It was def an eye opening day, but overall a good birthday. I spent the majority of the day in the psych ward doing psych clinical rotations for nursing school. Nothing like feeling thankful for the people in my life that keep me sane for a birthday present. 

FYI, can you believe this is a cake? If only, it was gluten and dairy free...

Thanks so much for all the birthday wishes and love!

xoxo, Kate

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Who doesn't love practically FREE clothes?

So basically, I got a miniskirt with gold trim, yellow/gold skinny jeans, a gray long sleeve top with cut out shoulders, and my personal fave...leopard print ankle boots, all for about $6.00.

I'm a member of this site called e-rewards. It's simple and it's free...basically, they email me surveys (I choose the amount I want to get weekly/monthly) and each survey has a reward amount for taking it (say $0.25-$6.50). I basically take the surveys while relaxing or watching tv, some I qualify for the entire amount, some I don't, but I still get a little something added to my account. 

Then, once you have enough moolah in your account, you can trade it in for rewards. Most are magazine subscriptions, but one is a gift card to Express. Then, they mail you your reward. I shopped the clearance section recently at and these are my goodies. I basically just paid the shipping...


xoxo, Kate

This was not a sponsored post, btw, just my own thoughts and wanted to share the wealth ;)

Friday, February 1, 2013

Back from the Dead...Hopefully.

Wednesday, I came home from clinicals at the hospital and it just hit me like a brick wall. It hurt to move...I literally showered and then forced myself to eat a meal bar, then I crawled down the hall and into my bed. It hurt to breathe. Everything ached and my joints all over were so sore...even in my fingers. My head was pounding, my ears hurt. It was horrible! Luckily, it didn't last too long. I don't want to jinx it, but I am feeling so much better compared to the past two days. Still a little achy and tired, but trying to stay relaxed and cuddled up...

I think it's def going around, so beware...

I literally looked like this the past two days...and will continue to stay in bed or on the couch in the coming days until I am 100% back to normal...gotta be healthy to celebrate the birthday on Wednesday!! and my Mary Kay Launch Party next Saturday! So much going on...that prob didn't help in warding off whatever this was... :/

Stay healthy! This thing is horrible!

xoxo, Kate