Friday, May 11, 2012

101 in 1001 days.

I saw a list of 101 in 1001 days over at Design Darling and it inspired me to make a list of my own. I kinda already had one in progress, there was just no limit on it. So, to write it out is a bit of a challenge, but here we go. I'll keep it updated as it goes along. Btw, it just so happens that 1001 days from today is my 28th BIRTHDAY!

1. Visit 28 of the 50 states.
2. Fly in First Class.
3. Have my own place.
4. Decorate my own place in a magazine worthy way.
5. Have my own STAR. (In the Sky, not in Hollywood)
6. Graduate Nursing School.
7. Pass the NCLEX.
8. Get a Nursing Job.
9. Buy something from Rodeo Drive.
10. Buy 5 Designer items and Frame the bags for the Closet.
11. Go Skinny Dipping.
12. Purchase a pair of Louboutins.
13. Go for a run in Central Park.
14. Have 100 followers on the blog.
15. Ride a Motorcycle.
16. Road Trip Hwy 101 in a Convertible.
17. Make Map to Pin Places visited out of Shower Curtain Map.
18. Work out 5 days a week for one month.
19. Have $1000 in sales from Rearview Vintage (keep track!) ($233.88/1000).
20. Have a professional redesign my blog.
21. Get a professional logo for Rearview Vintage. 
22. Have all the things that go with a logo, business cards, stickers, blog, stationary, etc.
23. Take a ballet class.
24. Take a yoga class, seriously.
25. Mail 25 'just for fun' packages.
26. Watch Mad Men from beginning to now.
27. Get the newest iPhone.
28. Sell 5 personal paintings.
29. Invest in 5 coffee table books. 
30. Read 25 books.
31. Watch 10 b&w movies, (just for you Jess).
32. Sell 5 Signature Chairs. (2/5)
33. Cook my way through a cook book. (any suggestions on gluten and dairy free books?)
34. See family names at Ellis Island.
35. Go on a cruise to a new place.
36. Go on vacation with friends.
37. Help with the turtle hatching at the beach, or just see turtle eggs/remains.
38. Ride a horse on the beach.
39. Live at the beach for a month. Enjoy the solitude.
40. Run a 5K.
41. Take a train ride.
42. Have a highly organized closet.
43. Come up with a way to organize ALL jewelry.
44. Buy a dress form for Rearview Vintage.
45. Save a life.
46. Have 100 etsy sales. (25/100).
47. Have 10 blog giveaways. (1/10).
48. Help deliver a baby.
49. Get through first semester of MCG.
50. Get through second semester of MCG.
51. Get through third semester of MCG.
52. Design a line of jewelry, a complete line season.
53. Buy a new car.
54. Write 100 thank you's.
55. Sponsor 5 other blogs.

That should do for a while. It's going to be hard to keep track of all these. But as I complete some, I'll add more to the list. Any ideas???

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