Wednesday, April 9, 2014

PLL fashion DIY.

Do any of y’all watch “Pretty Little Liars”? I used to be an avid watcher, and I always loved Hannah’s fashion sense. Nowadays, I don’t have cable, so I’ll watch it on Netflix and catch up one day. But I made a top a while back that was inspired by one that Hannah wore. It was a little too expensive to buy for my taste (aka $165), so I figured why not make one?


Btw, the next thing on the list is to make those earrings!!

I double layered the top because the mint green color was a bit see through

The hem connecting the two fabrics is also asymmetrical, which was a bit tricky.

What do ya think?

Saturday, April 5, 2014

purple haze.

I found this skirt several years ago and always meant to sell it. But, I always ended up grabbing it to wear, so it somehow made it's way into my closet rather than the shop closet. It's just a simple skirt, with a tent shape. I tend to wearer it higher on the waist with a crop top or something tied like this polka dotted button down. :)


xo, kate

Friday, April 4, 2014

Thift with Kate. 01.

You all know that I thrift and I usually give you snippets of my finds. But, I thought I'd start to put together my hauls in picture form so you can see what I find and the great deals I get!!

This top will go great with a pair of purple shorts I have!

I wore this to my niece's 1-year birthday party with some ankle skinny jeans and converse. It was very fitting of the occasion. lol. 

You might have seen the post with this top in it...

This is comfy, and oversized, and omgosh I love it!

Got this originally for my mom, but it didn't fit her like she I kept it for myself 

Gonna end up selling this, it hasn't fit my mom or a friend...thinking it shrunk and it isn't the size it says on the tag :/

These are plastic frames with screw holes at the plans for some sort of DIY that I'll post about in the future :)

Going to put some Christmas lights in this for a simple decoration...

Was on the lookout for a juicer, and came across this...yeah, I love thrifting!!

Any favorites?