Tuesday, December 17, 2013

graduate with kate.

It finally happened. #6 on my 101 in 1001 days is officially completed!

All the handwork paid off and I wanted to just say thank you to everyone who stood by me. You listened to my trials and errors, you held me accountable, and you helped me reach my goals and I am so so thankful to you. 

Not everyone could make it to Augusta for the day, but Mom and one of my besties from 3rd grade came to support me :)

My best friends from school who've shared in the craziness over the past 16 months

My lovely Ma!

She was the one who pinned me during my nursing graduation Sunday morning. We got to choose someone important to us to present us with our nursing pins at the College of Nursing ceremony.

Feeling so thankful and relieved that it's finally done!!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

decorate with kate

I don't particularly like to decorate. Or I guess, I don't like to take down decorations. 

exhibit a: 
In undergrad, my roommates and I left our fake Christmas tree up until June of the next year…now given it was only like 4 feet tall and the decorations were just neon poof balls, so it was year round…so to say…

exhibit b:
We had a halloween party after we moved in, which was about four months later…we got a 10ft black bat (that was made from black trash bags and balloons that filled the body) to decorate. We hung it in the corners of the vault ceilings above the television. I named him Gilbert. He became our 5th roommate. He moved out when we did…2 years later…

Anyhow, last year I got a real tree, which you have to get rid of in a timely fashion…otherwise it just makes a huge mess. This year, I'm debating about doing the same thing or doing something completely different. So to pinterest and google I went for inspiration…

For Fake Trees: I love the white look with bright ornaments!

For Real Trees: I love burlap and white for decorations.

This one caught my attention, but seriously…never gonna happen. It's hard enough trying to put up a Christmas tree the regular way with one person…(thankfully my landlord is amazing and helps with random things like bringing in and putting my Christmas tree in its stand)

Now this, this is me, to a T. I love this, minus the branch wings…

Seeing these totally made me want to create my own version…so here is what I came up with...

What do ya think?

xoxo, kate

Sunday, December 1, 2013


It's going to be a big month…5 more days to the last day of the semester and then graduation (let's keep our fingers crossed on that one) 
xoxo, Kate