Friday, May 31, 2013

Self Revelations

I was sitting at home yesterday, doing some studying (as usual), and a couple of things just kinda hit me about myself. A self-revelation so to say. This might be a little personal, but oh well, if you aren't interested...forewarning...stop ;)

A few relationships I've had have ended in the exact same way. 
That's a little strange, right? It seemed a little odd to me until I really though about why. For the last several years (after each one individually), I went through the blaming myself part, and the racking it up to the guy just being a jerk part...but what it really comes down to is me, that's the part that I can control. I realized that I avoid confrontation, I avoid the conversations that have to do with how I feel, I avoid looking inward. I can help others with their feelings and emotions all day long, but when it comes to me...I avoid it, I think about it too much, I overanalyze it all. 

I realized I don't have a relationship with myself. I don't really know me. This kinda makes it hard to say how I feel, or to stand up for myself in any situation where I feel taken advantage of. I can stand up for others without any second thought. But for myself, it's a different story, unless it's with my mom, certain family members, or my best friends. (The unconditional love relationships that I've been blessed to have).

Hence,  I have decided to build a relationship with myself. To really get to know me. To enjoy spending time with me...not just in the introverted, self-replenishing way that I'm used to, but in a way where I venture out and do things, with just me. 

So I guess you could say that I've decided to date myself. haha. But not exclusively...I mean, c'mon. 

Anyhow, date one: I went to see Fast and Furious 6 yesterday...loved sitting in the theater by myself. Loved laughing by myself. It was releasing in a way. There was no one to impress, or to judge me about the things I laughed at. It was just me, being me with me. I liked it and I felt comfortable just being with myself in public. I know a lot of people don't like to do anything alone. Especially go to eat by themselves...but it's healthy to do things with yourself. 

The way I choose to look at it is you're spending time with yourself, you're going out with're not doing something alone. You have yourself. To be alone sounds to me like you're not even with yourself...I think that's how I've felt for the last little bit and I think it's time to get back in touch with me. To get acquainted. 

So cheers! Here's to me and me...may it be a lasting relationship, filled with love and acceptance. :)

P.S. Yeah, the guys were jerks, but it came down to more than that. ;)

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Twenty longer in my pocket

Went thrifting today...figured I'd share some of my favorite finds with you! Most of what I got was home decor type stuff. I'm trying to make my place a little more homey. Anyhow, in the midst of making the video, the sun went down, hence the dark lighting. And I tried to make it shorter and more condensed, so it jumps around a bit...I'll work on that in the future :/

xoxo, Kate

Friday, May 3, 2013

Her life seems like a movie...

I read this article the other day about Jenna Lyons, who if you don't know, is the President and Creative Director of J. Crew. First off, her style. Love it. It has tailored, manly facets, but then girly, sparkly specs, and then on top of that, nerdy chic. It's so many things into one and it's just fun! She usually has one classic piece, with a girly piece, and then some random unique item. For example...a couple of her looks that I love. 

Instead of wearing a formal gown, she opted for this statement! She has the classic sweater, the girly clutch and earrings, then the unique skirt. For some of you, it might not be your cup of tea, but it's brave. 

This next look, once again a red carpet deal. But this time she chose a feminine hot pink skirt with an interesting cut and large side front bow, pastel heels, classic clutch with a classic white button down and blue jean jacket...then to top it off, just simple cascading curls. 

I won't analyze all of her outfits, but I'll just post a couple pics of my favorites...


She combines textures, maybe that's what draws me in. Also, she is like 6 ft tall and she kinda reminds me of Gisele Bundchen...idk if ya'll see it or not, it might just be my imagination...

Anyhow...she grew up with this medical condition that caused her to lose her teeth, so she has dentures. She went to design school @ Parsons and then got a job working at J. Crew as an assistant to an assistant's assistant...Now she practically runs the company. She was married, but divorced and is now with a woman...seriously, her life is like a movie...

Maybe I'll do a Jenna Lyons style week, and basically take on her style as a challenge...hmm...

Anyhow, hope you all are doing well! Click on the pic to see the sourcing sites and if you'd like to read the article on Jenna and J. Crew, it's here
